Ella A. Boole

From collection Candidates

Ella A. Boole
Ella Boole, who lived in New York, was a leader of the American temperance movement. She campaigned as a Presidential Elector in New York state in 1916 on the Prohibition ticket. In the summer of 1920 she unsuccessfully challenged James Wolcott Wadsworth, Jr. for the Republican Party nomination for U.S. Senate from New York. Wadsworth was an ardent opponent of alcohol prohibition because he believed in a government of limited powers, and because he predicted contempt for any law or constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of alcohol. After losing the nomination to Wadsworth, Boole made the decision to run as a candidate of the Prohibition Party in the November election. Although she lost to Wadsworth in the general election, Boole outpolled the Socialist candidate as well as Farm Labor candidate, Rose Schneiderman.

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