Rosepha C. Pulford

From collection Candidates

Rosepha C. Pulford
Rosepha C. Pulford was the Democratic candidate for County Superintendent of Schools for La Plata County, Colorado in 1904. Two years later Pulford ran again, this time as bith the Republican and Democratic Party candidate. In 1908 Pulford was named state central committee woman by the Colorado Democrats. That year Pulford easily won her third term in office with over sixty percent of the votes. By 1910 she became the first woman chosen as a director of the Colorado Teachers Association.  Two years later the Democrats nominated her as the party candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. By 1912, another woman had been elected as La Plata County Superintendent. Pulford was appointed to the Board of the Greeley Normal School in the state. Before running for office Pulford had taught in the Durango city high school and returned to teaching. Within a year she was made principal of the high school and remained in that position for several years.

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