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Tabor, Florence E.
Tabor, Florence E.
In 1919, Florence E. Tabor ran for the New York State Assembly for the 11th District. The New York Tribune lauded her campaign as "energetic" and reported that she could upset the Republican Party, which had historically held the 11th Di...
Dickerman, Marion
Dickerman, Marion
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Miller, Eva
Miller, Eva
Eva Miller ran unsuccessfully as the Republican candidate from the 44th District for Alderman of Brookly, New York in 1919. She intended to use colored campaign posters, an inovention at the time when black and white ones were usual.
Goodman, Mariam
Goodman, Mariam
Mariam Goodman, of Queens County, New York's 5th District, campaigned on the Socialist ticket for the New York State Assembly in 1919. She lost the campaign to Republican, Ralph Halpern.
Clark, Luella B.
Clark, Luella B.
Luella B. Clark, of Oneonta, Otsego County, ran for the New York State Assembly in 1919 on the Democratic ticket. She lost the election to Republcan, Allen J. Bloomfield.
Gates, Kate W.
Gates, Kate W.
Kate W. Gates was the Prohibition Candidate in Onondaga County, 3rd District, for the New York State Assembly in 1918. She lost the election, coming in fourth in a four-way race, receiving about four percent of the votes cast.
McVicker, Mary
McVicker, Mary
Mary McVicker ran for the New York State Assembly as the Socialist candidate from the 22nd District of New York County in 1918. The New York Tribune published a short biographical sketch of her on October 19, 1919. This sketch revealed t...
Strobel, Caroline L.
Strobel, Caroline L.
Caroline L. Strobel was the Socialist candidate for Municipal Court Judge in the 1st District of New York in 1919. She did not win the election. Among other opponents, she ran against attorney, Bertha Rembaugh, a popular favorite of the ...
Irvine, Martha
Irvine, Martha
Martha Irvine ran as the Prohibition candidate from the 13th District for the New York State Assembly in 1919.
Britt, Mrs. Margaret A.
Britt, Mrs. Margaret A.
Mrs. Margaret A. Britt campaigned as the Prohibition candidate for the Board of Alderman in New York County's 5th district in 1919.