Mrs.: Mrs. William S. Kinney

From collection Candidates

Mrs.: Mrs. William S. Kinney
Kinney ran a successful campaign in 1920 for a seat in the Oregon House of Representatives. After winning the Republican primary, she was unopposed in the general election. At the time of her election, she was the only female representatives in the Oregon House of Representatives. During her time in office, she played an important role in getting a bill allowing women to serve on juries passed, and she introduced a bill requiring women (not just men) to present with a clean bill of health before marriage. In 1922, she ran a successful campaign for the Oregon Senate. Prior to her time in office, she had been active in the Oregon Suffrage movement. She was the president of Astoria Suffrage Club at the time that suffrage was enacted in Oregon, and was also involved in other women's organizations in the area. After her husband died, she had handled industrial interests and acquired business experience. Kinney's maiden name was "Mary Edna Strong," but she is referred to as "Mrs. William S. Kinney" in the linked resources relating to her campaign.

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