Brownlee, Jennie L.

From collection Candidates

Brownlee, Jennie L.
Jennie L. Brownlee, a teacher in the local schools, was the Republican candidate for County Superintendent of Schools for Ouray County, Colorado in 1904. She was again the party candidate two years later in 1906. A local newspaper called Brownlee "well read, up to date, and progressive," as well as having a strong personality, dignity, and womanly qualities. Despite this endorsement Brownlee lost to her Democratic opponent, Anna L. Stanley. However, Brownlee gave up her teaching job to serve as the Clerk of the District Court, a position she held until at least 1918.  By the early 1920s Brownlee was once again in education, serving as a high school principal. Within a few years Brownlee was elected as County Superintendent of Schools in Ouray.
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