Eva Harding

From collection Candidates

Eva Harding
Eva Harding was the Democratic candidate for the School Board in Topeka, Kansas in 1909. In 1916 she was the party nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives from Kansas. The New York Times reported that Harding had "shied her bonnet into the ring". Harding ran her campaign on a platform of anti-militarism, national prohibition, woman suffrage, old-age and mothers' pensions, and a tariff for revenue only. Two years later, in 1918, she was the Socialist Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Kansas. Harding did not win either race. Harding was an ardent temperance worker and close colleague of Carrie Nation. In 1901 Harding, along with Nation and six others, was tried in Topeka, Kansas for destroying the property of a cigar store and saloon.

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