Preble, Margaret E.

From collection Candidates

Preble, Margaret E.
In 1908 Margaret E. Preble was elected Humboldt County, Iowa recorder. Her campaign activities and achievements were locally noted:"The term politician does not apply to many Iowa women, but it does properly apply to Miss Margaret Elizabeth Preble of Humboldt, who since 1908 has been recorder of Humboldt county. The plan of campaign which she originated and executed would have done credit to a seasoned politician. She began in June, 1907, by sending out three hundred personal letters; in December she visited every precinct in the county; in January she began publicity work through the papers ; in February she sent circular letters to every voter in the county, asking support on the ground of efficiency and economic administration. During the months of her candidacy she worked in her office from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. She spent one full month canvassing the county and shook hands and talked with more than 1,500 voters. She conducted a fair, clean, campaign; relying entirely upon her capability for the office and her business experience. The result was she won over an opponent who was a man of high standing in the community and of wide acquaintance in the county, carrying every voting precinct, with a majority of seven hundred in the whole county. She is now serving her third term. She had large experience in the office of law firms before entering the recorder's office. She is faithful and conscientious in all her work and is conceded to be the best recorder Humbolt county has ever had. She was the daughter of Henry James Prebel and Emma Jane Heath. A member of Unity Church, the Woman's Club, and P. E. O. Preble was listed in the Official Register, State of Iowa 1923-24 as serving in the Recorder's office. Whether she served consecutive terms dating back to 1908 is not stated.
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