Mrs.: Mrs. S. S. Merrill

From collection Candidates

Mrs.: Mrs. S. S. Merrill
In Milwaukee's 16th Ward, in 1895, Mrs. S. S. Merrill was elected to the school board, to succeed George W. Ogden. She was the first woman elected to this board. Merrill served on the deaf mute school standing committee and chaired the visiting committee. She revived the work of the visiting committee, making public health and sanitation in city schools her concern. She served until 1897 when the practice of electing individuals for this position was temporarily ended, in favor of appointment. Mrs. Merrill's husband was general manager of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad. She was active in the DAR, the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (elected to membership in 1896-7 session), and the Archeological History Society of Wisconsin. Her name was included in the 1890-91 listing of "Milwaukee Elite."

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