Mila Tupper Maynard

From collection Candidates

Mila Tupper Maynard
Mila Tupper Maynard of Denver was a Socialist Party candidate for State Senate  in Colorado in 1902. In 1910 she ran for State Auditor of Colorado, but did not win the race. Maynard later moved to California where she campaigned for a seat on the City Council of Los Angeles, California in 1913. She was one of five women to run that year for municipal offices in the city. Maynard was a socialist-feminist and active in suffrage and women's clubs. She did not win her race. Maynard campaigned on a platform that women were needed in the city council as they were progressive in city affairs, possessed commonsense and business ability. Maynard's sister Kate Tupper Galpin ran unsuccessfully for for the office of County Superintendent in Los Angeles County, California in 1894.

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