Wilson, Lillie E.

From collection Candidates

Wilson, Lillie E.
Lillie E. Wilson campaigned several times for the office of City Clerk and Recorder in the town of Delta, Delta County Colorado, between 1906 and 1919.  Wilson ran her first race in 1906 for City Clerk on the Business Men's ticket.  The party was "anti-saloon" and the nominating convention held in town in March of 1906 was mostly attended by women. Wilson ran successfully for a second term the following year as the Business Men's and Anti-Saloon candidate. In 1908 Wilson ran successfully for another term this time against Minnie Taylor, the Taxpayer's candidate. The following year Wilson lost party nomination to Camilla Sanders. The Business Men's Party nominated Wilson for Commissioner of Finance and Supplies in 1917.  This office had the same duties as the former City Clerk office. In describing the candidates that year, a reporter for the Delta Independent, noted that Wilson was "a lady of agreeable personality, gentle manners and remarkable capability."  Two years later Wilson again ran against Camilla Sanders, winning by only 16 votes. Wilson remained in the Commissioner's office through 1921, and in local politics at least through 1924.
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